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I’m a full time photographer and videographer based in beautiful Crested Butte, Colorado. I love shooting my local landscapes as well as brand and adventure work. I moved here in 2016 to pursue a degree in recreation & outdoor education from Western Colorado University. 

Since day one in Colorado I have been continuously been trying to capture the natural beauty and magic I've found here and perfect my craft. I spend my time exploring the landscape, camera in hand, on bike, board, or just my own two feet. Each order from my print shop supports me as an artist and provides years of inspiration on your wall. Much love 

- Eric

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About me


Adventure Photographer Eric Phillips, is most known for his images that capture compelling landscapes, human exploration, and outdoor industry news. His outdoor photos have been featured in local and national publications including 5280 Magazine, REI Co-op Journal, SNEWS, Elevation Outdoors Magazine, Adventure Pro Magazine, and Gear Junkie. Out There Colorado even recognized Eric as one of the top 15 photographers of Centennial State scenery, in 2018.

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Phillips Photo


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